
Reel Timestamps
- FEEDING_LOG_01172013 - solo developer, Unity/C#
00:24 - Unity Animation Modifiers - solo developer, Unity/C#
00:47 - Press Esc to Quit - producer and lead programmer, Unity/C#

This page is dedicated to games I've developed. If you're looking for my game-engine related tools and libraries, check out my tools page.

One of my favorite things about game development is its complexity. Developing a strong game requires pulling together mechanics, aesthetics, and story to create a complete and satisfying player experience, and I find the intersections of all of those areas fascinating. I'm particularly interested in unique and unusual game mechanics because of the unique and unusual problems they pose, both technically and creatively. For instance, in Follow My Voice I challenged myself to create a first-person game entirely based on sound. Figuring out how to allow players to orient themselves without being able to see was one of the most interesting mechanical problems I've ever had to solve, so much so that I actually wrote a short article about my process developing that game. In general, love the feeling of hacking through unexplored territory, and games are a wonderful medium for pushing toward new horizons.

I've written analyses on my development processes for both FEEDING_LOG and Follow My Voice, so if you're interested in learning more about how I approach game development then make sure to check them out!

Game links

This is a collection of the games I'm most proud of. FEEDING_LOG and Follow My Voice both have strange, experimental game mechanics that are fun to talk about, and Press Escape to Quit is just silly and fun to play.

FEEDING_LOG_01172013 (writeup)

A VHS horror game where players need to survive to the end of an anomalous videotape. I both wrote a short article and published a video about how the game was made. I developed it solo in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 50, and it placed 3rd in the mood category.

Unity, C#

Follow My Voice (writeup)

An experimental first-person game that's entirely audio based. I wrote a short article about the challenges of keeping players from getting disoriented in a game with no visuals. I developed this game solo in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 48, and it placed 1st in the sound category and 5th in the experimental category

Unity, C#


An arcade-style game about sorting venomous snakes. I developed this game as part of a team of four for a 48 hour game jam where I acted as both producer and lead programmer.

Unity, C#

Good Housekeyping!

A first-person physics game about hunting through a pile of boxes to find your car keys. I developed this game as part of a team of four for a 48 hour game jam where I acted as a producer, 3D modeller, lighting artist, editor, and sound designer. 

Unity, Maya, Resolve

Press ESC to Quit

A rhythm-adjacent game about closing popup ads. I developed this game as part of a team of three for a 48 hour game jam where I acted as both producer and lead programmer.

Unity, C#